

Submission Rules

The Journal accepts for consideration manuscripts which represent the results of independent and original scientific research corresponding with the Journal’s aims and scope: the topics of research in scientific articles should be relevant to the countries of East and Southeast Asia. They should reflect the author’s knowledge of the bibliographic context on the analyzed problems and the ability to adequately apply the conventional methodology of setting up and solving scientific problems.

Submitted manuscripts are registered and routed into the editorial cycle, provided that it corresponds to the Journal’s aims and scope, as well as to the Guidelines for Manuscripts.

Articles in Russian and English are accepted.

If the Journal accepted a manuscript for consideration, this gives no guarantee that it will be published. All materials are anonymously reviewed by external experts.

Manuscripts must be sent to email The date of arrival of the manuscript to this email address is fixed as the date of the manuscript’s to the Editor’s Board. Submitting the materials to the journal, the authors agree with the requirements of the journal and undertake to comply with them.

The number of scientific articles per issue should not be less than 6.

Guidelines for Manuscripts

1. Format and volume

Texts for publication must be submitted in .doc format.

If there are illustrations (.jpg or .png extensions are accepted), they should be numbered and attached as files separately from the text. The name of the illustration and the file name must be indicated in the text.

The recommended volume of the article is 25,000 to 40,000 characters with spaces. For the sections “Essays”, “Academic Life”, “Book Review” the volume of the main text of the article should be no less than 15,000 characters with spaces.

The main font (font of size 12) is Times New Roman. The font for Chinese characters is SimSun, the font for Japanese characters is MS Mincho, and the font for the Korean language is Batang.

2. Title and main text of the article

Title page of each submitted manuscript should contain the following sections in both Russian and English, but foreign authors can submit articles without translation of the article metadata into Russian:

Title of the article.

Abstract (no less than 800 characters). It should contain the purpose of the study, the summary of the article, and its main conclusions. The abstract serves as an independent analytical text providing an adequate conception of the conducted research without any need to address to the main text.

Keywords or phrases (6-8). One keyword (phrase) should not be longer than 100 characters with spaces.

Information about the author(s) (full name and surname, academic degree, academic title, position, address, and place of employment, ORCID, contact email).

Example: Afonaseva Alina V., PhD (Economics), Leading Researcher, Institute of China and Contemporary Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences (address: 32, Nakhimovsky Av., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation). ORCID: 0000-0003-3573-287X. E-mail:

Conflict of interests.

Example: The author declares the absence of the conflict of interests.

Support. The authors indicate that the article was prepared with the financial support of an organization or within the framework of a grant. If the article was prepared within the framework of a state assignment, the name and number of the state assignment are specified. Authors may not indicate the source of funding if the work is carried out on their own initiative.

Example: The research was carried out within the state assignment of Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (project No. FMSF-2021-0003 “Japan’s Relations with East Asian countries: problems, trends, prospects”).

Example: This research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. ХХ-ХХ-ХХХХХ).

Acknowledgements. The authors, if necessary, express their gratitude to individuals or organizations.

The names of tables and illustrations must be also duplicated in English.

The main text of the article must be structured, highlighting the introduction, chapters (at least two), conclusion or conclusions.


References to comments in the text are made in the form of superscript Arabic numbers (1, 2, 3, etc.), and the comments themselves are in the form of page–by-page footnotes.

Also, in the form of page-by-page footnotes, it is necessary to formalize links (APA Style) to informational, official, archival and other sources, including Internet resources that are not scientific publications. All scientific publications are issued in the bibliography (references).


1 Japanese economy marks third consecutive quarter of growth. NHK World, Aug. 15, 2022. URL: (accessed: 22 Aug, 2022).

2 Japan to keep interest in Russia’s Sakhalin 2 gas project. Kyodo News, Aug 20, 2022. URL: (accessed: 22 Aug, 2022).

3 Vì sao năng suất lao động của Việt Nam mãi thua kém các nước trong khu vực? [Why is Vietnam’s labor productivity still inferior to other countries in the region?]. Báo Người Lao Động Điện Tử [Electronic Labor Newspaper], Nov 11, 2023. URL: (accessed: Oct 15, 2024). (In Vietnamese).

4. Bibliography

Bibliography in Cyrillic should be in the format established by GOST 7.1-2003 “System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules” [].

Examples of References:

ASEAN v nachale XXI veka. Aktual’nyye problemy i perspektivy [ASEAN at the beginning of the 21st century. Current problems and prospects] (2020). Moscow: ID Forum. (In Russian).

Kobelev E.V. (2022). Uroki V’yetnama i ukrainskiy krizis [Lessons from Vietnam and the Ukrainian Crisis]. Vostochnaya Aziya: fakty i analitika [East Asia: Facts and Analytics], 3: 93–101. (In Russian). DOI: 10.24412/2686-7702-2022-3-93-101

Li Zhiyong (2015). “Zouchuqu” yu Zhongguo haiwai liyi baohu jizhi yanjiu [Research on going out and China’s overseas interests protection mechanism]. Beijing: Shijie zhishi chubanshe, 207 p. (In Chinese). [李志永. “走出去”与中国海外利益保护机制研究].

Liu Lianlian (2017). Guojia haiwai liyi baohu jizhi lunxi [Analysis of the mechanism for protecting the state’s overseas interests]. Shijie jingji yu zhengzhi [World Economy and Politics],10: 126–153. (In Chinese). [刘莲莲. 国家海外利益保护机制论析. 世界经济与政治].

Feng Weijiang, Zhang Yuyan (2022). Shijie bainian weiyou zhi da bianju [Profound Changes Unseen in a Century]. Jingji yanjiu [Economic Research Journal], 6: 4–12. (In Chinese). [冯维江, 张宇燕。世界百年未有之大变局。经济研究。2022年。第6期].

Lee Hong Jang (2010). Chosenseki zainichi chosenjin seinen-no nashonaru aidentiti to rentai senryaku [National Identity and Solidarity among Zainichi Korean Youths with “Chosen-seki”]. Shakaigaku hyoron, 61 (2): 168–175. (In Japanese). DOI 10.4057/jsr.61.168 [李洪章.朝鮮籍在日朝鮮人青年のナショナル・アイデンティティと連帯戦略.社会学評論].

Irasuto de miru Hakodate sensō [A look at the Battle of Hakodate through illustrations] (1988). Ed. by Inoue Sadakiсhi. Tokyo: Shinjinbutsu ōraisha. (In Japanese). [井上定吉 (編集).イラストでみる箱館戦争.新人物往来社].

Nguyen T.G.T. (2020). Ngoai Giao Van Hoa Trong Chinh Sach Doi Ngoai Viet Nam [Cultural diplomacy in Vietnam’s foreign policy]. Tap Chi Khoa Hoc Truong Dai Hoc Su Pham Tp Ho Chi Minh [Ho Chi Minh City University of Education Journal of Science], 17 (4): 646–655. (In Vietnamese). [Nguyễn Thái Giao Thủy. Ngoại Giao Văn Hóa Trong Chính Sách Đối Ngoại Việt Nam. Tạp Chí Khoa Học Trường Đại Học Sư Phạm Tp Hồ Chí Minh, Tập 17, Số 4 (2020): 646-655].

5. Citations

Scientific literature, analytical reports, and articles in scientific editions should be cited in the manuscript’s body using an abbreviated form containing the authors’ surnames, year of publication, and pages. In case of no author indication, the title of the edition should be given instead. References should refer to the corresponding item in the list of references, which contains a complete bibliographic description of the source.

Examples: [Iwata], [Iwata 2021], [Iwata 2021: 12], [Iwata 2021: 12–25].

All other sources should be cited with in-page footnotes.

6. List of references

List of references in Russian and English should be composed alphabetically. They include academic literature, analytical reports and article in academic periodic journals. Each article (except for those published in the sections “Essays”, “Academic Life”, “Book Review”) should contain at least five references to scientific publications.

References in Russian should contain authors’ first and last names, year of publication, title of the book, place of publication, publishing house.

References to articles published in academic journals should contain authors’ first and last names, year of publication, title of the article, volume and number, page numbers; for Internet publications – URL and date of access. DOIs should be given in the end of the bibliographic reference.

References in English (APA Style) should contain the author’s surname and initials, year of publication, title of the work, place of publication, publisher. Title of a book should be given in italics.

Articles in scientific journals, collections, or works published in continuing series should contain the author’s surname and initials, year of publication, title of the article, title of the journal or series, volume and number for journals / place of publication and name of the publisher, number of pages or page numbers, electronic address, and access date (if any). Title of the journal, collection or series should be given in italic.

All information on Russian works should be transliterated into English in correspondence with the BGN/PCGN transliteration rules (you can use automatic transliteration The place of publication should be given in full. The title of a book, report, or article should be transliterated and translated (translation should be given in square brackets).

In “References” one bibliographic description should not be longer than 500 characters with spaces.

Authors Fees

Submission, reviewing, editing and publication of articles are free of charge.